Charleston poet laureate Marcus Amaker’s poem about the Nine, “The Rain,” was set to music by composer Shawn Okpebholo for Will Liverman’s album, “Dreams of a New [...]
Sharon Risher’s book “For Such a Time as This” is available at 20% off until March 1. Click here to purchase, and use the code MDA20. It kicks off the Moms Demand Action for Gun [...]
By TYRONE BEASON This is a snippet of a story that ran in the LA Times on Feb. 7. To read the full piece, go here. WASHINGTON — By the time I watched Kamala Harris walk past the White House as [...]
Gun violence in this country is so routine that we just offer up our “thoughts and prayers,” and move on until there’s another incident and then offer up more “thoughts and [...]
Chris Singleton, son of Reverend Sharonda Coleman-Singleton who was senselessly murdered by a white supremacist at the Mother Emanuel AME Church massacre on June 17, 2015, announced he will begin [...]