Memorial Foundation Board
Mother Emanuel Memorial Foundation is guided by a dedicated Board that manages the fundraising, construction, endowment, and outreach for the Memorial.
Rev. Eric Manning, Co-Chair
Senior Pastor, Mother Emanuel AME Church
John Darby, Co-Chair
CEO, The Beach Company
Thomas Anderson, Treasurer
Wells Fargo
Karen Brewerton
Vice President of Marketing, The Beach Company
Timothy Brown, PhD
Assistant VP, Academic Programs, Trident Technical College
Henry Givens
Area Executive, TD Bank
Willi Glee
Board of Trustees, Mother Emanuel AME Church
Councilman Dudley Gregorie
Member, Mother Emanuel AME Church
Kay Hightower
Manager, South Carolina Office on Aging
Helen Hill, Secretary
CEO, Explore Charleston
Wilbur E. Johnson
Managing Parnter, Clements Rivers, LLP
Polly Sheppard
Survivor of June 17, 2015 Shooting
Kevin Simmons
Vice President, First Capital Bank
Reverend Anthony Thompson
Author and Pastor, Holy Trinity Reformed Episcopal Church
Mailing Address
Mother Emanuel Memorial Foundation
P.O. Box 242
Charleston, SC 29402
Visiting Address
Mother Emanuel Memorial Foundation
110 Calhoun St
Charleston, SC 29401
Legal Information
EIN: 82-1776426